Our Leaders
Senior Pastor Apostle David Watkins
Our pastor, also known as Apostle David Watkins, has been ordained by the Holy Spirit to lead the fulfillment of a Holy Vision that guides our ministry. This Holy Vision was originally given to the late Dorea Chara Dolan, our founder and Dean Emeritus, in 1957. As one of the original 12 team ministers trained by Dr. Dolan, Apostle David now carries the mantle originally bestowed upon Dr. Dorea Chara.
Assistant Pastor Renee Watkins
Pastor Renee Watkins serves as an evangelist at Grace Covenant Church by instructing and navigating in the work of the ministry. She assists in implementing the instructions, plans, and directions, of Apostle David Watkins, and bringing the vision of “reconciling man back to God” within close eye range for God’s people.
Pastor Elder Yvonne Watkins
Pastor Yvonne Watkins, one of the founding team members, is called as a pastor was & teacher, and builds ambushments against the enemy through her captivating voice. She has callings in healing, music, single life, divorce, child-rearing, teen-parent relationships and self-confidence
Pastor Elder Brigid Bryant:
Pastor Brigid, called and confirmed as an evangelist, currently serves as a pastor at Grace Covenant Christian Church, where her anointing is intercessory prayer. Pastor Brigid is a humble servant who continues to bring healing, deliverance, and joy to God’s people and gives all glory to Jesus Christ for every gift and every anointing that her Savior has blessed her with.
Pastor Elder Linda Jackson:
One of the founding team members, Pastor Linda Jackson, has a pastor’s heart and is known as the “Joy Spreader.” She is blessed with the gift of joy and breaks the yokes of bondage with the divine hammer of joy.
Senior Associate Pastor Deborah Williams:
Pastor Deborah Williams has been anointed to carry the vision, “reconciling man back unto God,” as it was in the beginning. It is the responsibility of the senior associate pastor to represent Christ Jesus at all times. It is Pastor Deborah Williams who is also called the Harriet Tubman of our ministry.
Associate Pastor Michael Smith:
Pastor Michael Smith is a loyal, faithful, dedicated man of God who humbly serves as pastor and Head of the ushering and church maintenance departments at Grace Covenant Christian Church. His gifts include but are not limited to teaching, preaching, construction, and carpentry, and he is known for his faithfulness & dedication towards being one of the pillars of our ministry.
Associate Pastor Jerri Harrison:
Pastor Jerri Harrison loves the Lord with her whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. She is anointed, called by God, and gifted in the areas of music, teaching, and administration. She humbly serves as the Associate Pastor of Administration at Grace Covenant Christian Church with loyalty and commitment.
Pastor Victor Brown:
Pastor Victor Is a minister, anointed drummer with the Instruments of Praise (music ministry), and a dedicated youth leader for our Grace Youth. He serves in many capacities, including being the leader of our Youth Ministries, events, and programs, both at the church and on college campuses.
Ministerial Team:
Our ministry is supported by our anointed & gifted ministerial team! The range of gifts represented by this dynamic group include but are not limited to the following: teaching, preaching, healing, prophecy, evangelism, and service. They actively strive to preach the gospel and serve God’s people with love.
In order from left to right,
Top: Minister Mary McDaniels, Minister Michael Holmes, Minister LaTonia Powell.
Bottom: Minister Carolyn Hunt, Minister Deborah Tate, Minister Karen Regan.