Sermons on Demand

Access Weekly Sermons from Our Senior Pastor Recorded Live 

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Looking backwards at the actions of yourself or others toward you hinders our growth.  We only have the present, and God has our future before us.  As we embark this new year of 2025, let's be focused on pressing toward the mark of the high calling.  Watch this sermon to adopt some strategies to commit to in order to walk with a new mind! (This link is to the full service.  The sermon starts at 42:13)

The Bible records Jesus saying. "Follow me", at least 21 times.  In order to follow Jesus, we must study what he says in his Word, pray for understanding, and trust Him.  If we follow him, he makes us fishers of men.  This is one of the greatest commandments God gave to us.  Watch this sermon to consider what it truly means to follow Jesus!  (This link is to the full service.  The sermon starts at 33:05)
The wise men in the Bible studied the scriptures, and sought the king.  They saw the star, and followed it by faith - a journey lasting up to 2 years.  They came and worshipped Jesus as a child, and brought their best gifts to honor Him.  Wise Christians still ought to the same. Watch this sermon to learn the history of the Wise Men, and to anchor into your current Christian walk!
If rich is defined as having more than one needs, and poor is definied as not having enough to supply one's needs, then when did Jesus ever not have his needs met?  Spiritually and physically, Jesus was both rich and poor for our sake.  He came to relate to mankind, and save them from their separation with God.  But in this life, God said he would supply our needs and that he purposes us to live life abundantly.  Watch Part 2 of this sermon to understand how Jesus, himself, is the essence of wealth!  
Whether we are called to poverty or riches as Christians first starts with a study of whether Jesus himself was rich or poor.  We must consider the physical and the spiritual state that he experienced here on Earth.  All the postures he took were to give God glory, and for our benefit.  Watch Part 1 of this sermon to consider what the scriptures show about Jesus' socioeconomic dispositions!  

Halloween has it's roots in a cultural festival that celebrated thousands of years ago.  Though it was based on death and suspended souls, Christians tried to reclaim the holiday as a time of rememberance.  Nowadays in the United States, it is day to dress up and solicit candy.  Watch this sermon to consider whether we can engage in the festivities as a Christian!  

This sermon breaks down two kinds of weakness - weakness of the flesh, and weakness of sin.  We walk through Paul's experience of being strengthened while he was dealing with a weakness.  Watch this sermon to reflect on what kind of weaknesses you can pray for God to strengthen you in! 

In Part 2 of this sermon, Apostle David dives deeper into Acts 2:42, which says, "And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles' teachings..."  One of the things we must do in order to see our churches (and the Church as a whole body) grow is to learn to trust and follow the shepherds that God has put in place.  Watch this sermon to reflect on the level of trust we put in other things, but don't tend to easily trust our spiritual shepherds!

Have you ever wondered about the size growth of the church?  This sermon lays out the formula according to Acts 2 for what we, individually and collectively, can do to compel God to increase our church.  Pastor David specifically dives into the point about following the teachers of the leaders.  Watch this sermon to consider how much trust God puts into the leaders he has been in place, and to reflect on how we, too, can invest our faith in them!  
Pastor David first asks us, "Why does Got want us to praise him?"  We find that God does not "need" our praise for his sake.  But praise is a system he designed for our benefit, much like the system of tithes and offerings.  Watch this sermon to understand the many benefits of praising God - an action and heart's posture that were designed to operate in!  
Many preachers are navigating away from teaching about Tithes and Offerings for a variety of reasons.  There are debates about whether to do so is mentioned in the New Testament, whether Jesus was speaking to us who are in the New Covenant, and whether money is the only thing you can tithe or give to the church.  Watch this sermon to consider the scriptures that combat those arguments, and assess what it truly means to honor (and dishonor the Lord)!
The trending modern approach to the idea of tithing is that it was something required under the Mosaic Law, and since "we are not under the Law" through Jesus Christ, we do not have to tithe.  However, the history of tithing pre-dates the Law in the Old Testament, and continues into the New Testament.  Watch this sermon to consider counter-arguments to this approach with respect to the Old Testament, and to better understand the scripture that talks about "being under the Law"!
For those of us, young and older, who still have our fathers around, there are some non-tangible gifts that we can continually give our fathers.  But there are some things that we should avoid giving so that their God-given position is honored.  The gifts that we should give can also be given to our Heavenly Father.  Watch this sermon to learn of the best gift to give on Father's Day! 
Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and he taught and prayed for our peace continuously before he left this Earth.  We can command peace in our lives.  But peace comes from deep trust in the Father God.  If we know Jesus, then why do we let our peace be robbed by our fears?  Watch this sermon to understand the various ways peace is defined, and the ingredients needed to maintain our spiritual peace in this world! 
The seven feasts in the Old Testament were appointed and for the Lord.  They are not just a Jewish cutural celebration of old for the people's sake, but they are intended to be continuous and prophetic.  God has masterfully mirrored and fulfilled the first 4 feasts in his new covenant through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  But there is more to come.  Watch this sermon to consider the full scope of how each Feast foreshadows events ahead for the story of mankind!  
In the Old Testament, God appointed 7 feasts throughtout the year where his people were to gather and celebrate.  When Jesus came, he was appointed to die, be buried, and rise again on the first 3 festivals.  The Holy Spirit was appointed to come on the 4th: Pentecost.  Watch this sermon to dive into how the feasts are prophetic in nature, and there are still some to be fulfilled!
In Part 2 of this sermon, Pastor David unpacks the ideas of what it means to be an antichrist, what the falling away looks like, and what the will of God involves.  Both believers and non-believers have stopped seeing the love of God as the motivator to act in righteousness, and instead use it as an excuse to be self-serving.  Watch this sermon to dive deep into what the truth is about God, to avoid exchanging to for a lie to maintain our own lifestyles! 

God loves us.  The scriptures say that He is Love.  But the world wants to claim his love as justification for their sin.  To love God is to obey his Word, and to renounce sin.  To justify one's sin means that one does not fully know God or his word.  Watch this sermon to see how people, who claim to be Christian, don't truly understand the love of God!

The world looks for power in various ways.  It's time for us to show them that he have true power from the Holy Spirit.  This sermon examines Acts 1:8 to answer these questions: To whom was the power given?  How was it given?  How is this power to be used.  Watch this sermon to gain these answers, and be motivated to use your power unashamed! 

We come to church for two things: To praise and give thanks; and to learn how to serve God and preach the gospel.  Giving thanks is a tool in our everyday lives.  Watch this sermon to be reminded of how giving thanks or praise can affect things, and of the many things that warrant thanksgiving!

In Part 2 of this sermon, Apostle David expands on the idea of what God's love looks like.  He gives consequences, and correction.  But he also looks for someone to curb his rebuke, and even sends someone to stand in this dangerous gap.  We are priests of God Almighty, like Aaron.  Watch this sermon to see the danger we might need to put ourselves in to spare those around us from the great coming wrath of God!

Inspired by a vision he was given during prayer time, Apostle David walks us through examples where trusted servants of God dared stand up for their communities to attempt to save them from the wrath of God.  According to Ezekiel 22, God is looking for those who will stand in the gap for others.  Jesus was the one who could do that for us.  Watch this sermon to reflect on if there are others who would stand in the gap for you, and whether you would do so for others!
In Part 2 of this sermon, we are encouraged to not lean on our own understanding.  We are reminded that the Gospel alone is the answer to our mental, physical, and financial concerns.  Watch this sermon to dive into the ways that we tend to use our understanding to fix the issues of our friends and family, and to consider how not to exclude the Gospel from our everyday lives!  
The Bible shows two moments where Peter and Jesus had a conversation about where best to lay down his net to catch the most fish: Luke 5:1-11 and John 2:1-8.  One was before the death of Jesus, and the other was after the resurrection.  Jesus was trying to teach him that the "net" is the Gospel; and if he trusts it, he will yield a great harvest.  Watch this sermon to learn what the wrong side and the right side is, and to reflect on whether you trust the Gospel before the miracles manifest!  
When we go into a new year, there are many uncertainties.  We don't know specifically what God plans to do.  But there are some things we can say for sure - and one is that God will work all things to our favor according to his purpose.  Look forward!  Watch this sermon to be reminded that there is nothing to worry about, even when there is bad times among the good times!  
There are many things that we do to enjoy the Christmas season.  But many people - Christians and non-Christians alike - are being like the Grinch.  They are trying to steal the joy of Christmas because they do not understand.  But only the faithful celebrate Christmas.  Watch this sermon to reflect on what makes us the faithful ones who comprehend what Christ-mas is all about!  

God wants his characteristics - the Fruit of the Spirit - to develop and grow within you.  But like any vine or tree, we need to be pruned in order to more fruit to grow.  But pruning is painful.  Does that mean we are being punished?  Watch this sermon to understand how God prunes us, and for what purpose! 

Jesus tells us - his followers - to abide with him, like a branch on a vine.  If we do not, eventually will not bear fruit, and will be cast away.  We cannot bear fruit on our own, but through obedience to the Holy Spirit.  Watch this sermon to see if you've been trying to grow the Fruit of the Spirit all wrong!

Pastor David dives into the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard in Matthew 20:1-16.  Some of us Christians who have been walking with God for a long time may be surprised at who we find in Heaven when we get there.  That is because God's grace is not about being "fair", but about His perfect plan.  We are reminded that He treats us all equally regardless of how long we've known Him.   Watch this sermon to reflect on this sovereign God, who can do with his grace, mercy, compassion and rewards what he wills!  
Halloween has evolved from international festivals that celebrated something, or aimed to ward off evil spirits.  Many of the practices have shaped the traditions of the modern celebration.  Is October 31st "Satan's Holiday?"  As a Christian who does not formerly celebrate those festivals, can you still participate in the costumes and the candy?  Is it good to attend Christian alternative events on October 31st?  Watch this sermon to learn about those festivals, and to be reminded that no day belongs to Satan!
When Christianity becomes just about the routine, we may find ourselves stumbling. According to 2 Corinthians 4:16, our outer man might falter and perish, but God is faithful to renew us from the inside daily.  Watch this sermon to be encouraged with every stumble and every trouble, God meets them with his mercies!  

In part 2 of the sermon series, Pastor David emphasizes that being led of the Holy Spirit and using proper techniques is essential when considering rebuking someone.  And specifically for any kind of leader in the churches and Christian circles, in is important to live a life that is a proper example to others according to the grace of God.  Watch this sermon to reflect on the techiniques and personal requirements in order to properly expose and correct sin in the lives of others!  (This is a link to the full service.  The sermon starts at 34:21)
In part 2 of the sermon series, Pastor David emphasizes that being led of the Holy Spirit and using proper techniques is essential when considering rebuking someone.  And specifically for any kind of leader in the churches and Christian circles, in is important to live a life that is a proper example to others according to the grace of God.  Watch this sermon to reflect on the techiniques and personal requirements in order to properly expose and correct sin in the lives of others!  (This is a link to the full service.  The sermon starts at 34:21)
In part 2 of the sermon series, Pastor David emphasizes that being led of the Holy Spirit and using proper techniques is essential when considering rebuking someone.  And specifically for any kind of leader in the churches and Christian circles, in is important to live a life that is a proper example to others according to the grace of God.  Watch this sermon to reflect on the techiniques and personal requirements in order to properly expose and correct sin in the lives of others!  (This is a link to the full service.  The sermon starts at 34:21)
2 Timothy 4:2 says, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." Apostle Paul is encouraging Pastor Timothy to not be afraid to correct his congregation in various manners and with skill.  Watch this part 1 of the sermon series to consider our role as ministers of the gospel to rebuke one another as a form of love! 
In the Old Testament, God required animal sacrifices to atone for sin and for various other purposes.  But then Jesus came to fulfil the law.  Does that mean that sacrifices are no longer required?  God is the same God - yesterday, today, and forever.  Watch this sermon to understand what sacrifices he requires today after Jesus fulfilled the Law by his death!

Proverbs 3:5-7 encourages us to lean not on our own understanding.  Though we may have experiences - physically and spiritual - that could inform our decision making, we must always seek God in his thoughts and ways.  These are different from ours.  We must also not assume that we know the most when it comes to interpersonal interactions.  Watch this sermon that learn of the ways we tend to lean on our own understanding, and reflect on the importance of adopting new habits! 
The woman with the issue of blood was able to touch the Lord physically, and received her physical healing.  This is one of 5 types of healings or deliverances that we has humans may be seeking for.  God responds to you using the full measure of faith that you have been given to believe for these healings.  Watch this sermon to learn of the types of healings, and consider how else you can "touch" Jesus to receive your share of his virtue! 
Pastor David has preached that it is not the quantity of your faith that makes things happen, but the object of your faith.  Faith in Jesus moves mountains.  In various instances of the Bible, Jesus commented on people's faith in Him as either "great faith", "little faith" and "no faith".  If it's not quantity, then what do these descriptions mean?  Watch this sermon to understand how Jesus measures your faith, and to reflect on what key factors might inhibit your faith!'

Why did the disciples say, "Increase our faith!" in Luke 17?  It was because Jesus had told them that they needed forgive someone who offends them, even if it's for the same thing multiple times a day.  The disciples thought they needed to expand the quantity of their faith, but Jesus corrected their thinking.  Watch this sermon to see how Jesus helped them understand how faith works, and how it can be the most effective!
In Matthew 12:30, Jesus says, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."  Jesus was explaining that a kingdom divided against itself would fall; and thus if you are not joining in with his efforts, or doing the opposite, you are not with him.  Likewise, pastors are looking for their congregation to be perfectly joined together.  Watch this sermon to reflect on the power of fighting to agree with your leaders and fellow church members, and to hear what things you should keep in mind before you outright disagree with the pastor!  
In 1 Corinthians 10:23, Apostle Paul addresses this phrase, "All things are lawful unto me," which has apparently been misunderstood by the Corinthians as permission to sin.  He explains that not all the things of the world are beneficial for us believers.  In fact, being called out of the world and into holy communion with God, he says we ought not to give ourselves permission to sin.  Apostle David asks, "Don't you love your brother? Don't you love those who follow you?"  Watch this sermon to consider how avoiding sin, and repenting of the sin that we do, shows love for our neighbors and keeps us from fading away from the faith! 
In Part 2 of this sermon, Pastor David continues to talk about Pentecost as an opportunity to gather together and celebrate.  We need to rejoice about God's goodness, about the salvation of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit.  This is a freewill opportunity to give of our physical harvest to the Lord.  The pastor also shows the parallels of the festivals in the Old Testament to how Jesus fulfilled them in the New Testament.  Watch this sermon to see how God is so intentional with his plan for us, and how God set up something for us to be happy!  
In Part 1 of this sermon, Pastor David reminds us about one of God's appointed holy feasts: The Feast of Weeks, otherwise known as Pentecost.  Pentecost is 50 days after the Passover.  It is a holiday that the Jews celebrated.  It originally set in place for people to ask God to bless the harvest of crops, and to ask for increase for the following year.  Jesus sent the Holy Spirit on a Pentecost holiday.  Watch this sermon to consider why Pentecost was chosen, and how the Holy Spirit helps us in our everyday walk!
In Acts 19, God was doing amazing things through Paul.  He was able to use the name of Jesus with authority, and demons responded.  People tried to imitate this authority, and got humiliated by the demons.  Why?  In order to have power, you must know Jesus.  You must have are relationship with him.  Demons should see you and tremble.  Watch this sermon to learn how to know Jesus, and how that makes you a threat to the enemy! 
In this Resurrection Sunday sermon, Apostle David lays out evidence of how blood carries the life of living beings, even after the soul ceases to live.  It carries a story.  We praise God that Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb of God, pour out his blood for us; and that it continues to give us life.  Watch this sermon to examine why the blood of Jesus was necessary to be shed for us!

It is important that in order to understand the Holy Ghost, to first understand God.  God is called the Trinity - The Father, The Son, and The Ghost.  Three beings, but one God.  Jesus is the exact imprint of God, and the Holy Ghost likewise.  He is the Comforter that was sent for us to strengthen our spiritual walk in this world.  He is known by many names in the Bible, according to how he is and what he does.  Watch this sermon to learn the many things the Holy Ghost is called!
In Part 2 of this sermon, we see that confessing our sins helps us make war against the sins.  How is this beneficial to our lives, since the debt for the sins has already been paid in full?  Watch this sermon to see how Pastor David gives two reasons to make war on our sin!  

Before Jesus died on the cross, the sacrifice to atone for our sins was the death or send-off of animals. Blood was required.  Jesus died so that all sins - past, present, and future - can be forgiven under his blood.  So why do we need to confess our sins when our sins have been forgiven?  Watch Part 1 of this sermon to learn why, and to consider the affect that sin has on our daily lives! 
This is a recap of the two sermons, "There's Power in the Truth" and "When They Come For You".  Pastor David lays out several examples of Jesus speaking hard truths.  Are you willing to accept and follow the Truth?  One of the major truths is that we will be hated for our stand in Jesus Christ.  The world hated him first, persecuted, and killed him.  The time has come where the same may happen to the faithful.  Are you anchored in God, and willing to make that stand?  Watch this sermon to be reminded that being a Christian is for the strong and resolute of heart!
The time has come as foretold in the Bible where Christians will be persecuted, imprisoned, and put to death for upholding the faith.  In John 15, Jesus says, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first....If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also."  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego sentenced to death for their stand in their faith of God Almighty.  Watch this sermon to consider the angels in which the world's system may come for you, and to reflect on what you will do when they do!
The power in truth is what we need if we are going to properly teach.  It's what we need if we are going to seek and properly reach.  It's what we need to carry our cross, and effectively disciple the lost.  Do you want the truth?  Watch this sermon to be reminded of what the truth is, and be encouraged to trust it fully!  

Watch this Recap on the sermons, "Be Not Conformed To This World," and "Hold On, Stay The Course", and be encouraged that through the strength of Christ, you can walk counter to today's culture in order to honor God and reap heavenly rewards!

The world is like bein on a merry-go-round.  It is spinning so fast, and is filling with troubles so quickly, that if you do not hold on to God's hand, you'll be left badly hurt, broken, and dissatisfied.  Watch this sermon to be reminded of how to hold fast, and to be equipped of how to overcome the enemy who tries to get us to fail at this game called life!

Romans 12:2 says, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."  As Christians, there are some areas in which he have conformed, and not even know it.  But we can refuse be conformed, and instead be transformed!  Watch this sermon to reflect on where you may have conformed to this world, and to be empowered to course correct!

Have you ever wondered why we call December 25th, "Christmas"?  And how it came to be that that was the chosen day to celebrate the birth of Jesus?  And why it is that the world celebrates it completely differently than intended?  Watch this sermon to unpack the origin of the word, study the first celebration, and gain tips on how we can enlighten people on the intention of the greeting!  
Matthew 13:54-58 shows that the hands of Jesus are tied from doing miracles when unbelief is strong.  In present day, God is still in the miracle working business, but do we collectively believe?  What would happen if entire congregations would believe with their pastors about the miracles they are praying for?   When the spirit of God is present, not only should teaching go forth, but miracles should be happening for them who believe.  Watch this sermon to reflect on the areas where you stopped believing and why; and to be encouraged that today you can believe again! 

Prayer is the way that we communicate and activate our faith in God.  It is simply talking with God.  Yet it is such a struggle sometimes to be in constant communication with God.  How the world around us progresses, and the lives of those we interact are impacted by the prayers of Christians.  Watch this sermon to consider why it is such a struggle, and to examine how Jesus modeled a lifestyle of prayer while he walked this Earth!  
When God gave us his Spirit after salvation, he gave us all 9 of his characteristics.  These are called the fruit of the Spirit.  These characteristics need to be exercised when the opportunity arises.  Watch this Thanksgiving service to learn about each characteristic, the physical fruits that we associate with them, and how to strengthen these fruits in your Christian walk!  

What is your struggle when it comes to following the Lord?  What hinders you from being available to God?  When you struggle, it still means that you are doing something.  But you have to press and overcome in order to do it.  God loves an overcomer.  When we press to overcome, eventually we no longer have to struggle in that area.  Watch this sermon to consider the areas of availability that God requires, and reflect on where you may or may not struggle in!  
Matthew 6:21 says, "Where your heart is, there your treasure is also."  Everyday, we are investing in something, usually being with time or finances.  Are we careful to invest in Jesus, putting him first as instructed?  Pastor David likens this investment to investing in a stock.  Watch this sermon to learn about how to invest in Jesus, and what to do when your investment decreases!  
Rewards in heaven are named in the Bible - crowns, a robe, a ring, and place in heaven.  But there may be many that are just alluded to.  But in order to gain our rewards, we must let our light shine before men.  Our motivation to let our light shine is not for the rewards, though, but rather to please God - the lover of our souls.  Watch this sermon to dive into how Jesus is the champion of rewards for his people! 
Not only we saved by grace through faith, we are promised rewards for the work that we do for the Lord here on this Earth.  Among the rewards mentioned in the Bible are five crowns.  Watch this sermon to learn about the heavenly crowns that we are investing in right now during our walk with Jesus! 

This is a recap of the sermons "Are You My Fellow Laborer?"  and "Why Is God So Faithful?"  Pastor David confidently affirms that we are, indeed, his fellow laborers.  He expands on what it means to labor for Jesus.  He also details what plans (or promises) that God has made on our behalf.  Watch this sermon to dive a little deeper to these recent sermons, and reflect on your specific role in God's vision.  
2 Timothy 2:13 says, "If we are faithless,He remains faithful;He cannot deny Himself."  Pastor David explains that God is faithful to his plan for us as humans. That plan includes redeeming us into communion with him through the saving power of Jesus.  He cannot deny himself of accomplishing that plan, even if we waiver in our faith or loyalty to him.  Watch this sermon to be reminded of the greater plan, and be stirred up in your gratitude toward this sovereign God that is mindful towards us!  
In Philippians 2:25, the Apostle Paul called a man named Epaphraditus a "fellow laborer" in the ministering of the gospel.  This sermon points to the fact that Paul is making is this man a spiritual equal when it comes to the work of the gospel.  Likewise, Pastor David is asking us if we are fellow laborers with him.  Watch this sermon to dive into what a "laborer" is when it comes to building the kingdom of God, and be encouraged about doing your essential part!
When the Hebrews were in bondage to Egypt, the pharaoh feared that they would become too mighty, so we set taskmasters to make life miserable.  Likewise, Satan fears that Christians will get too mighty, so taskmasters are assigned to us to war against us and try to distract us from our first love with God.  But like the Hebrews, we won't die off, but rather multiply!  Watch this sermon to learn about all the ways we can multiply through the power of the Holy Spirit! 
In part 2 of "The Cross is the Cost", we examine this critical question: What exactly is "the cross" in our every day lives?  Is it the person, thing, or circumstance that is in your way?  Is it the distractions that divert you away from the will of God?  Is it the emotional choice to bear the burden so that you can still move forward?  Watch this sermon to answer that question, to hear examples of cross, and to reflect on what yours might be!
If we want to walk with Jesus on a daily basis, we need to recognize that the cross is the daily cost to gaining rewards beyond salvation.  The cross can represent many things, like the Good News, Death, Humiliation, and a Stumbling Block.  Ultimately, the journey of Jesus with his cross is a visual representation of what God expects of us. Watch Part 1 of this sermon to consider how the cross is embodied in every aspect of your life!

Christians are given the ability and authority to judge what is right and wrong.  But we tend to judge one another too harshly because we have not learned how to judge righteously.  In order to judge well, we need to first examine ourselves and seek the wisdom of God.  We need to not judge, nor condemn, but forgive.  Watch this sermon to reflect on Matthew 7:1-5 and John 6:37 to adjust our thinking towards one another, and be more focused on restoration!
Pentecost was one of the holy feasts that God ordained to have a holy gathering, and the people presented the first fruits of the crop harvest to ask for a blessed rest of the harvest.  Today, we have liberty to celebrate in the same way with a portion of our annual salary.  It is also the time to celebrate the power of the Holy Spirit.  Watch this sermon to learn of the instructions that were given by God, and to rejoice with others in celebration of God's provision!
What do we do when we think something is supposed to happen, but it does not happen when we expect it to - like turning on a light switch, but no light illuminates?  Do we think that the power is not there?  Or do we assess what might be amiss?  Spiritually, there may be times where we think the power of God is lacking, so we resort to auxiliary power.  But God promised us power through the Holy Spirit on that Pentecost day.  Watch this sermon to reflect on how we might use auxiliary power, and to be encouraged that the Pentecost power still burns and is accessible to you!  
Pentecost is a holy celebration unto the Lord.  It represents 50 days after the Passover meal, and it was to bless the harvest for the new year.  As part of the new covenant with God, we can still celebrate it as the beginning of The Church, and the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Ghost being given to us.   Watch this sermon to learn about how the 4 major holy feasts were signs of Jesus and his legacy on Earth to come, and how we can be excited about the power that comes with the promise!
In this Resurrection Sunday sermon, Pastor David explores the reasons Jesus gave why he came to this Earth.  Two important ones are to live, die, and rise again as a sacrifice for our sins; and to bear witness to the Truth.  Why were you sent here?  Watch this sermon to reflect on the reasons why Jesus came, and to consider how we can focus on our primary purpose of bearing witness to the Truth, which is Jesus! 
One can know a person's character by learning the various names others call them.  The characteristics of God are reflected in the Holy Spirit, who is called by many names in the Bible.  Watch this sermon to learn these many names, thus gaining better insight to who this God is that we are to follow and serve!
In this sermon, "Above All, Seek First The Kingdom, Part 2", Pastor David summarizes the sermon, "You Need To See The Blessing to Get the Blessing".  He clarifies that we have the ability to be content in the state of little and in the state of much through Jesus Christ, and thus we can visualize abundance while appreciating all the current blessings that we are graced with.  He then continues the discussion of Matthew 6:33 and Romans 14:17.  Watch this sermon to gain understanding on this question: If the kingdom of God is "peace, joy, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit", but it is stressed to "seek His righteousness", then what is the righteousness of God?
In this sermon, "Above All, Seek First The Kingdom", we are reminded that our daily focus should not be our wants and needs, but the coming of the kingdom of God.  According to Matthew 6:33, we need to seek the kingdom first.  What is the "kingdom of God"?  Watch this sermon to learn about how the kingdom is defined, and how we can turn to it as the answer to all that we want in this life!
 As far as you can see, God is able to bless you.  But you must see with your spiritual eyes.  Seeing is understanding.  It is important to be recognize and be content with the blessings that you have to not be like those in the world who may have much, but still be miserable. Once you renew your heart and mind, you will be able to receive that which is ahead! Watch this sermon to learn how you can see the invisible blessings, that makes one rich and adds no sorrow!
There are 4 scriptures in the Bible that reiterate that the just - we believers in Christ - shall live by faith.  To live by faith is an active choice.  It requires action, confidence, and full surrender that God's ways are perfect and are for our good.  It is not enough to just say that we believe.  Christianity is a lifestyle.  Faith is followed by works, which is later followed by rest.  Watch this sermon to dive in to what it means to live by faith, and not by fear!  

In Revelation 1:4-5, we are told about the "seven spirits" that are before the throne.  Are these angels?  Isaiah 11:1-2 helps us understanding that that is actually a seven-fold description of the Holy Spirit.  Watch this sermon to see how God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost reflect each other - and are simultaneously one - but yet have their own attributes that impact our lives!  
In the Old Testament, the Levites were the priests of God's temple, and had specific duties to perform daily.  Through Jesus Christ, God has made us priests of the New Testament.  We have duties to perform in the church house and in our daily lives with people we encounter to build the kingdom.  Watch this sermon to reflect on what those duties are, and to reflect on what areas you could improve in or increase!  
Before Jesus Christ came to live among us, there was something that was called the Ark of the Covenant.  It was to be carried in a special way by specific people among the Israelites.  Today, believers in Christ have been given specific instructions of how to carry the Gospel in this world.  This sermon educates us through Deuteronomy 10:1-5 and 1 & 2 Samuel about the Ark, it's significance, and it's handling instructions; and draws parallels between what is required now of Christians.  Watch this sermon to reflect on if you are truly carrying the Gospel well!  

Since the creation of the universe, God has been making something amazing out of "nothing".  It is his speciality.  His signature.  The same rings true in our everday lives if we call on him and follow his instructions.  Apostle David examines the story of the wife of a son of a prophet in 2 Kings 4:1-7 as an example of this.  Watch this sermon to be encouraged that what consider nothing, God is faithful and able to make it into something for not only you, but for others around you!
Our primary purpose on this Earth is to worship God, and God alone.  He says his name is "Jealousy".  How do you think God's jealousy would show up in your life regarding the things you tend to worship more than God?  How can we be intentional about worshipping God a little more in this new year, 2022?  Watch this sermon to learn what worship is, how it pleases God and benefits us, and to consider how you take your worship to the next level!  
What do we give to Jesus our king to celebrate his birthday?  Pastor David says the gifts that are fit are the ones that God has given first.  God expects a return on his investment in you, for the edification (the building up) of the believers.  This idea of using our talents to bless God, spelled out in scriptures like Romans 12:6-8, is illustrated in the classic story of The Drummer Boy.  Watch this sermon to learn of examples of the gifts that God has given us, and to learn how to play our drums accordingly!  
Have you ever wondered about why the blood of Jesus is so important in the Christian's life?  To God, blood sacrifice of animals was always required to absolve the sins of man.  The blood of Jesus settled our debt once and for a while.  But thankfully, it's benefits are not just one-and-done, but are transcendent from the past, present, and into the future if we ask.  Watch this sermon to be reminded of the benefits of the blood, and the importance of pleading the blood daily in our lives! (This link is to the full service.  The sermon starts at 22:07)
Do you remember the days where holiness, honoring God, and learning how to trust God was very important to you?  Do you remember when "sin was sin, and wrong was wrong"?  Inspire by the song, "Make It Right" by Maverick City, Pastor David reflects on how far we've come in modern society and our everyday walks with Christ.  Watch this sermon to consider how fear and greed makes us unable to see!  
"Fasting causes our dependence on God to come to the forefront of our minds."  God says he will answer you about those critical decision-making questions when you fast and pray.  Pastor David explores Isaiah 58 to distinguish between fasting just for the sake of it, and fasting according to what God is looking for.  Watch this sermon to understand the purposes of fasting, and how it benefits both you and others!
"What does it take for a plant to grow, or to end a famine or drought?  Water.  What does it take for a Christian to grow, or a weakness to end?  Living Water."  Water is mentioned very often in the Bible.  Pastor David dives into what "living water" is, and what we need to do in order to be "drenched" by such water. Watch this sermon to reflect on how the living water of God is essential for our Christian walk.    
Refresh your memory and deepen your understanding with this 2-in-1 recap sermon.  Pastor David reviews the prior two sermons: "For This I Give God Praise" and "God's Faithfulness Towards Us."  Watch this sermon to consider the character of God, and count the reasons for to be thankful for who God is in our lives!

God's faithfulness towards us is eternal.  It is constant.  Our faithfulness - our first works of faith - was likewise intended to be eternal.  However, even if when we are unfaithful, God's character remains true.  This sermon builds upon the scriptures of Romans 3:3 and 2 Timothy 2:3.  Watch to consider the ways in which we can be a little more faithful to our great God!

Why did God say that David was a man after God's heart?  He was a man full of faith and full of thanksgiving.  That was his power!  Do you have God's heart?  Watch this sermon to see how the song, "For Every Mountain" by Kurt Carr can indeed be all of our testimonies that we can continually give God praise for!  

Pastor David encourages us that God knows what he is doing when bad things happen to his people.  John 11 shows us the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.  Their trial was a divine timeline to display the glory of God.  Watch this sermon to understand that even though our human nature needs immediate answers, and thus we are uncomfortable with waiting, God has purpose for your suffering and your waiting.  It is not in vain!  
In Psalm 119: 33-40, the psalmist (King David) was admitting that he was desiring earthly things more than he was desiring God.  If we are honest, there are many times where we prioritize our own desires over spending time with God or following his Way.  How do we address this?  How do we aim to love God like it says in Mark 12:30 as best as we possibly can?  Watch this sermon to review David's prayer to God; and consider how to apply it to your own life that you that you might be more spiritually in tune with God!  
Apostle David continues this series by focusing on the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.  He reviews the examples of when it occurred, it's relationship to the other baptisms, the myths regarding this baptism, and the benefits of receiving this baptism.  Watch this sermon to gain better understanding of this powerful baptism!  

Did you know there are 8 types of baptism mentioned in the New Testament?  And not all are physical. They may happen sequentially, or some simultaneously.  If you are a born again Christian, there is one final baptism that clicks into supernatural power for your life.  It is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Why not get all the baptisms?  An opportunity is coming July 16th!  Watch this sermon to learn of some of the baptisms, and prepare your spirit (or that of a friend) for that final baptism!  
Our world has become so inundated with ungodly deeds that are communicated more openly. (2 Peter 2:6-9) Do you recognize it anymore?  Does it bother you? Or have you become immune?  To be vexed is to be tested spiritually.  Watch this sermon to reflect on Lot's story in Genesis 17 and 18, and consider how our righteousness is being tested, and be encouraged to respond to the vexation, rather than let it wear away our judgement! 

Our purpose as Christians is to build the Kingdom of God, rather than the membership of the local church.  Can you see what you are building? The foundation? The structure?  Watch this sermon to reflect on our greater purpose to seek and save the lost, and what we have done, are doing, and can be doing to achieve that purpose!  

Pastor David defines residual income as when you are no longer performing, but still getting paid for past performance or works.  Can we have "residual blessings" - blessings that are continuing from your first works as a believer?  Watch this sermon to explore John 15:1-7, and reflect on whether we are continuing to be active with our works for God and reaping fresh blessings, or if we have stopped some of our works and reaping residual blessings that may soon run out!
God promised all believers that not only will the Holy Spirit be with us, but that he can live in us and give us power.  Yet the Church sometimes turns to, what Pastor David calls, auxiliary power to draw the people to Christianity and keep them in.  Watch this sermon to see how God's power is more than enough to work through us and build his kingdom!

There are seven holy appointed feasts in the Old Testament, all of which maps the purpose of Jesus coming to die for our sins and rise again with our redemption and freedom.  The Feast of Weeks, also known as Pentecost, ushered in the promise of the power of the Holy Spirit.  Watch this sermon to examine how these feasts point to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and why we as the Church should be excited to celebrate Pentecost!
Pastor David defines holy conviction as the formal declaration that someone is guilty of sin and should repent. The foundation of conviction is that it is the Holy Spirit's reminder that we love God and want to be in right standing with him.  Watch this sermon to learn of the various reasons why conviction, though uncomfortable, is a good thing for the believer; and how it can benefit our spiritual walks in the long run!
After we are saved, we are called to serve in a specific administration of the Church body, and to align ourselves with that vision. For Grace Covenant attendees, this sermon is to relieve many of us from the unnecessary concern of "building the church by bringing people in".  Watch this sermon to learn about Grace Covenant's vision, and to reflect on how you can support the vision if you feel called to be a part of it!

On his way to completing his purpose on Earth, Jesus had many circumstances where he could have slowed down, or have evaded altogether, his path to the cross.  But he pressed on to this daunting task to please the Lord and to save his people.  Can we not press to honor this sacrifice in our daily lives?  Watch this sermon to consider the milestones on the journey to the cross; and reflect on how you can be encouraged to press on to be a faithful Christian!
Pastor David continues this series by summarizing the inexcusable reasons to not attend church of "lazy" and "comfortable", and then diving into the excuse of being afraid.  Are we letting the world dictate how we serve God?  Are we more focused on our physical or emotional self-preservation?  Watch this sermon to consider the various fears that the enemy presents to us, and to be encouraged for how to overcome them!
We have come into an age where people are finding excuses not to attend church on a regular basis.  There are reasons why you cannot come to church, and there are unacceptable reasons - lazy, comfortable, or afraid.  Watch this sermon to examine what "lazy" and "comfortable" may look like, and whether these are reasons that tempt you!
Jesus was sent to this Earth to die for our redemption.  Why were you sent here?  We need to be aware of all that we were sent here to do; and actively work to do all of it.  Watch this sermon to understand all of our purpose of existing, as mainly outlined in Isaiah 61:1!

The newer generations feel like the church needs to be more worldly in order to attract the world.  But this is not Biblical.  We are called to not be of this world.  What is "the world"?  What does it mean to not be of it?  Watch this sermon to learn about the differing definitions of "the world"; and to reflect on whether we are finding ourselves being worldly and how to avoid doing so for the glory of God!
This sermon is based on the song, "Go Get Your Blessing" by Mary Mary.  There is a difference between working for our blessings, and toiling for them.  God will bless the work of our hands if we are working for him - whether they be financial, in our relationships, etc.  And there are times where it is ok for you to fight spiritually for your blessings.  Watch this sermon to learn about the work that God expects of us; and to appreciate how God honors that work in the form of blessings!
The Church as a whole has been spiritually asleep.  The world is subscribing to the religion of "Love", or tolerance.  The Church is buying into it in order to be politically correct, rather than warn the people of their wickedness.  Watch this sermon to dive into Joel 1 & 2 to see how we need to wake up!  

We tend to trust ourselves.  But we need to affirm to ourselves and to God that we trust him through the hard times.  We have just gone through a hard year as a society and individually, but we have made it through by the grace of God.  Watch this sermon to be encouraged to try 3 steps to increasing our trust even the more this year!

Since the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt, God has established a celebration of a new year.  Now, it is a great way for us to reflect on where God has brought us from, but also focus our eyes on moving forward.  Watch this sermon to consider the emphasis God places on beholding the new things in our spiritual walks!
What do you give as a gift to Jesus, who is God?  The only gift that is fit for our king is the gift that came from our king.  The only gift that is fit for God is the gift that came from God.  It's the gift that truly keeps on giving. Watch this sermon to see what gifts have been given among us that are expected to be given back to him with all our might, like the story of the Drummer Boy! (This link is for the full service.  The sermon starts at 27:30)

While societies around the world are fighting for their social and political rights, we must also remember that we as Christians have our Miranda Rights against our spiritual enemy. We are citizens of heaven and joint heirs with Jesus.  As such, we must know the rights we have in order to fight for them, because Satan wants to lock us up.  Watch this sermon to be reminded of the many spiritual rights that you have!
Reminded by the song, "Overcomer" by Mandisa, we can see that no matter our struggles, we are already declared an overcomer because our savior, Jesus, has overcome the world.  Our conflict with the world is evident in the Word. Overcoming concerns every part of our lives.  We must resolve to not be afraid, but expect the victory.  Watch this sermon to understand how overcoming is signature of the Christian life if we believe the Word and trust God!
We can conclude from Exodus 1:12 that affliction produces growth in God's people - not only in numbers, but in our individual spiritual walks.  Affliction and adversity make us lean on faith, and not be spoiled.  Adversity is better than prosperity: it does more for our spiritual growth and natural character.  Watch this sermon to be encouraged that there is purpose to your afflictions; and that God is faithful to comfort us in them so that we can comfort others!
Thanksgiving season is the time where we at Grace Covenant fast and prepare ourselves for a new spiritual fruit of focus, as listed in Galatians 5:22-23.  Here, Pastor David asks us to consider if we are bearing the fruit of the Spirit to the point where it is evident to others, even from a distance. You are saved, and therefore are a good "tree".  But we need to work on baring good fruit.  Watch this sermon to see how the fruit of the Spirit are defined; and evaluate the importance of baring these fruit for the glory of God!
God has a plan to make you an overcomer.  It has to do with tribulations.  We must go through them in order to overcome them, which is a guarantee through Christ.  We must trust God with this plan, and believe that Jesus is the son of God.  Watch this sermon to assess the 3 types of tribulations; and to learn about how we have been destined and equipped to overcome them!
"The Portrait of Peace" by Linda Spritzer is the visual for this sermon.  It reminds us that peace is a spiritual thing: being in the midst of chaos, and still being calm.  People are looking to man to bring peace - whether it be for the nation, or for our own personal lives.  But God has sent the peace that man cannot give.  His name is Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  Watch this sermon to compare natural peace and spiritual peace; and to learn of strategies to gain and walk in the peace that God has given you!